WordBrain Deer Level - 13

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Deer pack Deer Level - 13

s o m e b o d y
e t s i s e r o
e g a i o p p s
y l e t e c e r
n n r i e r t i
c d a d r f a m
y n s e h s t o
c l r e t o o r

The answer / solution is Somebody, Rooster, Clothes, Resist, Friend, Dynamite, Oppose, Recently, Carriage

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Hidden words:
some, set, see, state, stage, steel, most, estate, body, bed, best, drop, dry, dose, deposit, desperate, tale, toe, sale, sit, site, spot, speed, rose, rod, rope, respect, red, opera, operator, opposite, gate, gas, get, age, agenda, agency, aim, operate, per, pet, perfect, poet, pose, pot, potato, peer, petal, prospect, proper, secret, yet, let, least, lease, leg, legend, late, later, last, era, eat, eagle, east, ease, end, tie, tide, tire, tired, tea, ten, tend, taste, trade, trader, treat, trend, top, craft, crash, credit, cop, copper, cope, net, rid, ride, raid, retire, rely, relate, real, idea, rat, raft, rate, tree, dad, dare, dart, area, art, artist, and, any, aid, aide, air, deer, dead, dear, die, diet, direct, dirt, deep, detect, read, reader, ready, fat, fate, far, fast, fair, free, fee, after, motor, mate, married, mast, master, sea, seed, sad, sand, ear, earn, earl, early, hot, host, head, hear, heart, her, here, heritage, star, start, stare, stair, stairs, sort, shoot, shot, she, sheet, stern, steady, safe, toaster, too, tooth, oar, the, these, there, three, tear, other, others, root, room, tray, rather, refer, day, father, moth, mother, match, yard, say, ham, hat, hate, hair, theft, that, cloth, chef, chart, charter, chair, coat, lot, fan, may, man, many, gay, alter, already, oil, lay, lie, trace, tail, race, rare, car, care, career, cart, card, acre, date, detail, mad, open, pen, screen, recent, rent, gently, gear, agent, ice, teen, rice, near

1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1453 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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トランプの, морск, fear+, get%2, テスラ オ, Rayah, Rawee, FLUX , Raw, on+ch, цирк+, Raw, it+wo, чл.21, L I A, poe%2, 公众号 查, embas, Odyss, skop+

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