WordBrain Chameleon Level - 12

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Chameleon pack Chameleon Level - 12

e a e d u c a t
l c y t r r o s
e n y c h e g u
u r r t a i m f
e e d s n d i l
t r i i v i w o
o c o e i t e s
p r r n n a c s

The answer / solution is Educator, Divide, Minister, Flower, Contain, Gather, Treasury, Process, Unicycle

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Hidden words:
duty, deal, dealer, urge, cat, cast, car, care, cost, core, coat, coast, cut, acre, area, toe, lay, clay, yet, treat, treaty, the, them, than, that, thin, threat, throat, tea, remind, read, reach, react, rat, oar, sum, star, stare, store, chain, chin, can, cycle, cry, her, hero, head, heat, hand, hat, him, hint, era, eat, each, east, goat, great, giant, uncle, red, run, try, tree, aim, aid, and, act, aside, invite, inside, mind, ministry, merchant, mean, meat, must, flow, film, die, dirt, diet, deer, dry, drop, side, sin, stand, street, sir, sand, sad, sacred, division, dig, loss, lose, low, top, rid, ride, iron, view, via, vision, wolf, wet, win, wind, owe, owl, oil, order, corn, coin, crop, cop, one, error, inn, inner, tin, tie, two, twin, set, sea, seat, solid, soil, swim, pot, port, rent, review, nor, nine, native, activist, active, cane, ear, earth, art, yeah, teach, they, there, tear, sure, sergeant, here, get, use, user, meter, mere, chase, this, register, case, hate, his, ease, eastern, greatest, rest, restore, retire, retain, taste, test, teacher, fin, sit, site, series, stereo, stern, stretch, stir, stone, ten, tent, tire, tone, rise, wire, wise, own, corner, entire, protein, protest, net, not, note, air, gate, tail, age, file, fig, figure, few, fewer, feather, eager, lower, leather, life, lie, reaction, refuse, write, weather, section, nation, action, actress, certain, cherry, score, press, center, entry, enter

1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1442 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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