WordBrain Capuchin Monkey Level - 15

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Capuchin Monkey pack Capuchin Monkey Level - 15

v o i t e g u n
e l c s v g a s
l t n e d i o c
r n n e y e u l
t m t r m a c o
g t r a m e p n
d y x o r b m o
c r e h t o u j

The answer / solution is Memory, Suggest, Involve, Accident, Brother, Taxpayer, Judgment, Column, Control

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Hidden words:
voice, oil, ice, ill, egg, evidence, even, event, gun, gas, get, elite, let, love, list, center, cite, see, seem, seed, scene, still, sit, site, silo, seven, set, video, via, give, given, ago, age, aid, aide, sun, soul, tell, need, nest, net, edge, eye, enemy, entry, enter, die, dig, deer, idea, clue, can, era, error, yet, yes, loan, log, tree, try, tax, term, ten, tent, teen, rare, rat, rate, remedy, rent, red, map, may, media, marry, mate, cop, cope, cap, camera, once, opera, operate, art, arm, area, army, armed, more, motor, moth, mother, peace, per, pace, pay, payment, dry, other, oar, receive, both, bother, beam, cry, extra, her, hot, home, the, they, theory, throat, toe, jump, eat, meat, apart, apartment, cat, car, carbon, cart, cab, green, tap, trace, pour, part, rub, race, bar, bat, bacon, box, our, tour, job, oven, old, involved, lie, coin, cold, civil, van, violent, avoid, anvil, needle, acid, yell, cell, poll, mad, data, long, nod, dog, count

1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Vicce, combu, 414 W, TeLh/, cloud, views, 1518+, spira, soğuk, 1154+, はやぶさ , crawl, all+m, acron, Infan, 7835 , -9355, منو د, ümran, giann

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