WordBrain Butterfly Level - 8

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Butterfly pack Butterfly Level - 8

d r i v r i t l
e l p r u e m u
t k r e s o r e
a h g l s i c m
i e t i a n r a
t s i v t c e n
g e k p o r e o
d e s o y n p m

The answer / solution is Insight, Closure, Remark, Multiple, Proposed, Monkey, Driver, Generate, Activist

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Hidden words:
drip, red, virus, item, tie, time, tire, term, let, lip, press, pressure, per, pile, use, user, mere, merit, mess, more, moss, mouse, take, the, these, this, elite, else, social, some, sin, since, sir, sue, sure, suit, slight, set, our, rose, rice, rise, heat, hat, hate, hit, his, glance, glass, giant, get, light, lane, less, leg, sail, sale, sales, salt, snail, sit, site, sigh, sight, ice, into, income, isle, issue, cream, can, canoe, cane, car, care, career, cross, core, coin, cousin, course, come, man, eat, tight, tissue, tip, test, tea, that, acre, act, actor, assure, asset, also, air, near, nail, nice, race, rent, arise, arm, across, aerial, see, seed, seek, ski, steak, sea, seat, visit, via, vital, van, toy, tone, top, too, tree, troop, try, tail, tale, title, certain, crop, cry, cat, case, corn, cop, copy, cook, cookie, era, entry, ear, earn, name, edge, kit, kite, port, pot, pose, poor, pit, pie, one, oval, ocean, recent, open, desk, despite, soon, sport, spot, spoon, nor, not, percent, peer, pen, propose, poem, peas, real, ease, solar, alarm, late, locate, lose, create, close, closer, coal, coat, area, react, rat, rate, vote, treat, cereal, earl, note, prove, drive, live, lie, permit, pet, prime, rare, mark, market, river, none, neck, key, knee, eye, money, range, anger, gene, gear

1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1432 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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best+, ひかりのお, do vi, Modul, when+, junta, 61.44, DASS-, carol, le+ss, 下一層分類, Rhein, win 1, when , 中学3年生, net s, gms, strea, feng , das+w

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