WordBrain Beaver Level - 4

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Beaver pack Beaver Level - 4

a t r o p m i c
c i e a c o r e
l e t h o s v y
a s r d g v k t
h e e e o i r r
t p o g n t o v
w y e n r t t i
t i u c r o a c

The answer / solution is Import, Attorney, Circuit, Working, Together, Across, Poverty, Advocate, Vehicle

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Hidden words:
act, air, treat, tree, tie, tire, tea, teach, tear, tail, reach, rat, rate, rice, oar, port, poet, part, particle, path, more, move, mood, ice, cry, crop, cite, clash, cereal, cat, each, ear, eat, era, art, article, core, cover, compare, cop, coat, code, car, care, career, cart, cap, chart, cheap, cheese, over, let, lease, least, last, lie, else, elite, either, ease, east, easter, the, their, three, tap, hat, hate, hear, heart, heat, her, hero, heel, ski, skirt, skin, sky, soap, score, scar, voice, very, see, seed, sea, set, sale, slice, she, sheep, street, stereo, steal, steel, stir, star, stare, start, rest, red, rent, region, retire, real, deer, deep, dog, desert, depth, door, goat, kit, king, here, edge, onto, one, into, inn, riot, right, ring, type, these, there, test, pen, peer, peas, pet, per, phase, once, open, not, nod, need, night, tight, tin, tone, tonight, toe, via, actor, acre, race, year, row, two, work, works, late, tale, horse, sort, sheet, seat, shore, short, rod, get, vote, troop, too, root, that, throat, pot, poor, top, cross, rope, heavy, hit, have, date, data

1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1433 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Search history

isle , av.4u, 8153, apoll, famou, sisli, 2010 , 806, asphy, Kansa, ゆうちょ+, y2mat, copyr, каво , emile, The Q, 苗栗市卓越, 784, 756, såsta

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