WordBrain Armadillo Level - 18

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Armadillo pack Armadillo Level - 18

y r a e l r e r
e u s i r e t l
a i h c e s i m
y o o c a r r n
i t l p e l m o
n o i t u b r s
d i p o p m i n
d e s o r e o c

The answer / solution is Proposed, Leisure, Income, Literary, Research, Miracle, Monopoly, Distribution

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Hidden words:
raise, rail, rush, air, area, ear, escape, let, lie, retire, rest, elite, era, use, user, sir, shop, shoot, shot, scar, scale, school, scope, sue, sure, sail, series, sea, ice, real, reach, rice, rich, rise, tin, tie, tire, telescope, tree, list, hope, hot, his, hire, cereal, car, carrier, care, career, cap, case, cast, castle, cop, cope, cool, earl, each, ease, east, error, sin, sit, site, secret, see, set, sale, salute, stir, steel, iron, minor, mirror, mile, opera, option, arm, arise, album, accept, acre, race, nor, norm, into, top, tip, too, tool, toy, lip, lion, local, lot, loop, pear, peach, peace, peas, pet, per, pub, pump, put, plot, pool, pot, pit, pipe, pilot, pity, palm, pale, pace, past, lease, least, lap, last, noise, not, nod, oil, onto, odd, tube, tea, tear, teach, teapot, term, terms, but, blue, bear, beach, bet, son, die, despite, pop, pope, popular, poor, pose, pie, point, pond, out, propose, pupil, impose, spot, spin, side, soil, soup, soul, rose, root, rope, route, coin, come, compose, computer, comb, time, timber, tide, bid, bit, bite, edition, art, arrest, rare, tray, cry, search, rid, harm, chapter, choice, more, aim, oar, club, clue, copy, rain, nice, type, poet, pole, prison, prism, moon, upon, broom, room, soon, dirt

1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (1445 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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xampp, subti, best , 10+ri, AMS+r, 881 s, (sele, %25E4, 12332, kings, takut, 400+d, cydia, sanga, entha, afric, EJERC, 大蔵経寺山, haysi, tusca

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